Saturday, August 26, 2006

i love black people

This post is gonna celebrate Black people doing big things for other Black people.
First up, U.S. Sen. Barack Obama encouraging Kenyans to take AIDS tests by going to Kenya and taking an AIDS test. Freaking fantastic.

Next, Oprah keeps her promise and opens her school in South Africa and Hov will be all around the world talking about clean water this fall. While Jay-Z is off helping the United Nations, Russell Simmons is financially endorsing a Maryland Republican. Now, I'm no Republican, but I appreciate that Simmons is bold enough to be bipartisan for the sake of Black folks' upward mobility.

And, finally, there is my main man Bill Cosby. I love this guy. He's like the grandpa that walked ten miles to school. Even though people are hating on him, he's checking Black folks for the good of Black folks. Even better than just checking them, he's doing it consistently.

Ok just one more bit of good news before I go. There are so many sources for Black American news out there (or out here) on the internet. Here are some links: (A bit more radical :) )

Now, I don't know which one of these is run by the MAN. I am sure one or more of them are, but feel free to fill me in.

hearting black people since '84

Thursday, August 24, 2006

obesity is all the rage

Well, fat Chinese kids have made the news for some reason. Apparently, someone out there is shocked and dismayed that McDonald's and sedentary lifestyles fattens people up indiscriminately.

I really thought that being fat or THICK was back in style. Even White Americans openly admit to loving girls with hips, thighs, and doonks (big ole booties). Until Beyonce went all Nicole Richie on me, I was sure that the U.S. was gonna endorse a plus sized beauty standard.

Alas, I am wrong again. This season anorexia is back on the runway and the sheer sight of skinny jeans makes me wanna binge and purge for old times sake.

Being neither obese or anorexic, I regretfully inform the reader that I could be hatin since my body type (average with big boobs) hasn't been the rage since baywatch.

the talentless

Model turned singer Cassie has really been getting the heat from her fan base (and haters). A million blogs, MTV, and even her own myspace page address some of her bad performances on TRL and the like. But, she's cute. Sure she can't sing or dance, but she's cute. Everyone knows that the U.S. consumer base is pretty indifferent to quality products unless they come in cute packages. The fact that this girl can't sing or dance, but will sing and dance and get PAID to do it is much less alarming than this guy

getting paid to think and decide. Maybe if Bush had a myspace page then 9,743, 052 people, or whatever amount Cassie's myspace hit counter says right now, would view his site and fire his ass up (MD/DC phrase)! For kicks, here are Bush and Cassie doing a very poor job at thinking and singing. Respectively, of course.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Parlez-Vous Français?

Its pretty common to expect this from the French, but not from African Americans. Recently on FOXNEWS, Al Sharpton and Juan Williams peddled their books and their opinions on the state of Black America. Sheesh! First of all what makes either of these men qualified to speak for Black people. Secondly, who is their target audience. Are the future leaders of Black America really sitting around reading these books? I certainly wouldn't buy this shit. Excuse my Français!

I would rather see Bill Cosby fall asleep at Spelman's graduation year after year, than follow Juan or Al to the promised land. At least Bill Cosby instilled morals, values, and hope in my generation. People really sleep on how significant Bill Cosby has been to all us 80's babies. He introduced this bgg to ray charles, work ethic, functioning 2 parent households, and all sorts of good stuff. Rock on Bill! Sit down Sharpton and Williams! You are embarassing me.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

defining beauty

Right now this girl genius is doing some research in Brasil. Although, I am supposed to be focussing on science and some neurotoxic effects of something or another, I have been obsessed with trying to understand the social climate here. Before coming here, Brasil looked like a brown person's paradise to me. With a larger retention of African culture than many countries in Africa, the second largest African (or African descendant) population outside of Africa, and that "Beautiful" video shot by Snoop and Pharrell, I knew this must be the place to be. HMMMMM! Well, Brasil most definitely isn't all bad, but its clear that in Rio there are certain race roles. For instance check the image above. Mulata, I mean... for real Brasil. There is a beer called MULATA! WTF!!! So I asked some people at work what the beauty standard was. Then, I asked my portuguese teacher. Then, I watched a video by a very insightful 16 year old about Black American beauty standards. What I found was that this image of Black women or women of African descent being highly sexual is the same in at least two of the three Americas.

The Brasilians immediately said big booty, big breasts, straight hair, hourglass shape, and flat stomach make you beautiful. They didn't specify skin color however. The young lady's documentary said essentially the same thing, except light skinned was preferred. World, I don't know what to make of all this. But, as the blackgirlgenius that I am, I figure its my job to find out what it at least means to me.

Tchau Beleza

Saturday, August 12, 2006

hello world

stay tuned...