Thursday, December 11, 2008

how christmas drove mj crazy

yeah, its been a while...

one of, if not, my absolute most favorite thing to do during the christmas season was to crank that jackson 5 christmas album. man, mj was doing his thing on there! but, i remember how crushed i was to find out as a pre-pubescent teen that mj didn't even celebrate the yuletide. i know that i was far deeper and more inquisitive at 12 than most of you are now, but if you didn't know mj was jehovah's witness so no christmas presents for him. how heartbreaking! singing about all that christmas cheer and he didn't even celebrate it. my theory is that this among all the other crazy things in his childhood f#$%ed him up real nice and smooth.

shout out to jo and kat jack for making mike the man he is today!

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