Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Parlez-Vous Français?

Its pretty common to expect this from the French, but not from African Americans. Recently on FOXNEWS, Al Sharpton and Juan Williams peddled their books and their opinions on the state of Black America. Sheesh! First of all what makes either of these men qualified to speak for Black people. Secondly, who is their target audience. Are the future leaders of Black America really sitting around reading these books? I certainly wouldn't buy this shit. Excuse my Français!

I would rather see Bill Cosby fall asleep at Spelman's graduation year after year, than follow Juan or Al to the promised land. At least Bill Cosby instilled morals, values, and hope in my generation. People really sleep on how significant Bill Cosby has been to all us 80's babies. He introduced this bgg to ray charles, work ethic, functioning 2 parent households, and all sorts of good stuff. Rock on Bill! Sit down Sharpton and Williams! You are embarassing me.


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