Monday, September 11, 2006


I usually donĀ“t make two posts in one day, but this is absolutely absurd. CNN and every other major new source reported ''Newspaper journalists paid to blast Castro''. Paid by whom? You may naively ask yourself. Paid by the U.S. government of course. That's right ladies and gents a paid advertisement from the feds. So how reliable is the US press that's mostly owned by Time Warner, Viacom and a few others? The audacity of our government to justify a war ''to establish democracy'' in other countries when this type of crap goes on in the US.

This administration is an embarrassment. Its a front for corporations. Every word that has been publicly broadcasted by the media and the Bush admin. for the past 6 years has been for profit. The Senate released a report that proved BL (osama) and SH have nothing to do with each other. Hmmm, funny that they come up with this now that election season is upon us. Even funnier is that Michael Moore came to this same conclusion two years ago in ''Dude Where's My Country''. The MAN doesn't really want me to believe that Michael Moore has better intelligence than the FEDS. Nevermind logic because Dick Cheney went on freaking Meet the Press on Sunday and said that he hadn't read the Senate report. So much for those checks and balances.

Being an African American I was born with a healthy distrust of the government. I guess its from all those auction blocks and legalized lynchings of my ancestors.

But, come on this is effing ridiculous. Speaking of ridiculous, I am all the way in Brasil minding my business watching the BBC and look who gets international press time...None other than 50 cent. This guy is an international star. OMG, the horror! Its bad enough I heard him in the streets here in Rio, but I never thought that I would see this muheffer on the BBC World News.

Exhausted by the madness



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